How to cruise safely

Cruising is where people meet in a public place and engage in sexual activity

We’re not here to make judgments about cruising. This section is here to provide basic information about cruising so you can be informed and take care of yourself.

Know the law

If you are cruising, it is important to know the law.

Having sex in public is considered as a crime if it is seen by other members of the public. Additionally, intentionally exposing your genitals for the purpose of sexual gratification or causing humiliation, distress or alarm to another person is considered a crime.

If you are looking for advice or support, we are here to help.


Get in touch.

Tips for staying safe


Know where you are and how to get out

If you can, let someone know where you are going and what time you are expected to return. You can turn on your snap maps or tracking so your friends know where you are.


Use condoms and lube

Use condoms and plenty of lube to protect yourself and your partners from HIV and other STIs. If you find condoms tricky to use while cruising, consider using PrEP. If you are having regular unprotected sex, we would recommend getting regular sexual health testing.


It’s okay to say no

If you are not interested in another cruiser or changed your mind, it’s ok to say no. You have the right to give or withdraw consent at any point.


Reporting an attack

While some men may feel discouraged about contacting the police, it is the duty of the police to protect members of the public regardless of sexuality or gender identity. If you have been the victim of a hate crime, sexual assault or rape, you can report directly to the police or contact us for help.

Looking for support?

If you are looking for tailored support and advice for gay, bisexual and all men who have sex with men, we're here to help. Get in touch by filling out our contact form.

Contact us

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