Your donations to Waverley Care will help us be there for anyone in Scotland affected by HIV and hepatitis.
When you fundraise for Waverley Care, you are changing the lives of people living with HIV in Scotland, and taking us one step closer to ending new transmissions by 2030.
Fundraising feedback
We value the feedback we receive from our fundraisers. We use it to improve our events and to identify new ideas to support our work.
To provide feedback or comments about our fundraising, please get in touch with us through our feedback form or email fundraising@waverleycare.org. Alternatively, you can write to Waverley Care, Milestone, 113 Oxgangs Road North, Edinburgh, EH14 1EB.
We pride ourselves on the excellent relationships we enjoy with our supporters and always aim to conduct fundraising work to the highest ethical standards. However, you may feel that we have not done this and you would like to complain. You can download our full fundraising complaint procedure below.