HIV treatment has transformed HIV into a manageable long-term condition and is playing a huge role in preventing new infections.

Key things to know

  • Effective treatment means that people living with HIV can lead long, healthy lives,
  • HIV treatment lowers the level of HIV in the body, preventing damage to the immune system.
  • Treatment lowers the level of HIV in the body to the point where you cannot pass HIV on through sex. This is known as Undetectable = Untransmittable.
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HIV treatments work by reducing the levels of HIV in a person’s body. When this level (or viral load) gets below a certain point HIV becomes undetectable. 

If someone is living with HIV, their clinician will be able to confirm if they are undetectable with a simple blood test. This is usually a part of routine HIV appointments. 

A person can only stay undetectable if they continue to take treatment as directed by a clinician.  

HIV treatment is a life-long commitment, but support is available if you find this difficult. 

It is now clear from scientific evidence, backed by HIV specialists around the world, that a person who is living with HIV, who is on treatment, and who has achieved and maintains an undetectable viral load CANNOT pass HIV on through sex. 

As a result, we can confidently say that Undetectable=Untransmittable (U=U). 

Again, there are a couple of important points to remember: 

  • U=U only prevents HIV being passed on through sex – there isn’t enough evidence to tell us if it can prevent transmission by other routes such as sharing injecting equipment. 
  • You won’t transmit HIV provided that you have had an undetectable viral load for 6 months. 
  • U=U is only about HIV and does not prevent the transmission of hepatitis C or other STIs. Correct use of condoms and lube remains the best protection against a range of STIs 
  • It is important to keep in contact with your clinical team and follow their guidance. 

Many people who are living with HIV have come to experience significant stigma in relation to the sex they have.

U=U is a powerful challenge to this stigma. It highlights not only that treatment can help people living with HIV to live well, but also that treatment can play a role, alongside condoms, regular testing and PrEP in stopping the spread of HIV. 

The first step to U=U is to encourage men to know their HIV status by accessing regular testing

If you want to know more about U=U and the science behind it, visit the Prevention Access Campaign website

Looking for support?

If you are looking for tailored support and advice for gay, bisexual and all men who have sex with men, we're here to help. Get in touch by filling out our contact form.

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